Issue | #Downvotes for this reason | By |
a | PageHinckleyAlpha: The alpha value to use in the Page Hinckley change detection tests. | default: 0.005 |
c | splitConfidence: The allowable error in split decision, values closer to 0 will take longer to decide. | default: 1.0E-7 |
d | OptionDecayFactor: The option decay factor that determines how many options can be selected at a given level. | default: 0.9 |
f | AlternateTreeFadingFactor: The fading factor to use when deciding if an alternate tree should replace an original. | default: 0.995 |
g | gracePeriod: The number of instances a leaf should observe between split attempts. | default: 200 |
h | PageHinckleyThreshold: The threshold value to be used in the Page Hinckley change detection tests. | default: 50 |
j | LearningRatioDecayOrConst: learning Ratio Decay or const parameter. | default: false |
l | MaxOptionLevel: The maximal depth at which option nodes can be created. | default: 10 |
m | MaxTrees: The maximum number of trees contained in the option tree. | default: 10 |
n | numericEstimator: Numeric estimator to use. | default: FIMTDDNumericAttributeClassObserver |
o | OptionNodeAggregation: The aggregation method used to combine predictions in option nodes. | default: average |
p | removePoorAtts: Disable poor attributes. | default: false |
q | OptionFadingFactor: The fading factor used for comparing subtrees of an option node. | default: 0.9995 |
r | randomSeed: Seed for random behaviour of the classifier. | default: 1 |
s | splitCriterion: Split criterion to use. | default: VarianceReductionSplitCriterion |
t | tieThreshold: Threshold below which a split will be forced to break ties. | default: 0.05 |
u | AlternateTreeTime: The 'time' (in terms of number of instances) value to use when deciding if an alternate tree should be discarded. | default: 1500 |
w | LearningRatio: Learning ratio to use for training the Perceptrons in the leaves. | default: 0.01 |
y | AlternateTreeTMin: The Tmin value to use when deciding if an alternate tree should replace an original. | default: 150 |