Dataset used in the tabular data benchmark, transformed in the same way. This dataset belongs to the "classification on numerical features" benchmark. Original description:
String datetime information extracted to numeric columns.Trip Record Data provided by the New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) []. The dataset includes TLC trips of the green line in December 2016. Data was downloaded on 03.11.2018. For a description of all variables in the dataset checkout the TLC homepage []. The variable 'tip_amount' was chosen as target variable. The variable 'total_amount' is ignored by default, otherwise the target could be predicted deterministically. The date variables 'lpep_pickup_datetime' and 'lpep_dropoff_datetime' (ignored by default) could be used to compute additional time features. In this version, we chose only trips with 'payment_type' == 1 (credit card), as tips are not included for most other payment types. We also removed the variables 'trip_distance' and 'fare_amount' to increase the importance of the categorical features 'PULocationID' and 'DOLocationID'.