While I was practicing machine learning, I wanted to create a simple dataset that is closely aligned to the real world scenario and gives better results to whet my appetite on this domain. If you are a beginner who wants to try solving classification problems in machine learning and if you prefer achieving better results, try using this dataset in your projects which will be a great place to start.
This dataset contains 7 features and a label column.
longhair - This column contains 0's and 1's where 1 is "long hair" and 0 is "not long hair".
foreheadwidthcm - This column is in CM's. This is the width of the forehead.
foreheadheightcm - This is the height of the forehead and it's in Cm's.
nosewide - This column contains 0's and 1's where 1 is "wide nose" and 0 is "not wide nose".
noselong - This column contains 0's and 1's where 1 is "Long nose" and 0 is "not long nose".
lipsthin - This column contains 0's and 1's where 1 represents the "thin lips" while 0 is "Not thin lips".
distancenosetoliplong - This column contains 0's and 1's where 1 represents the "long distance between nose and lips" while 0 is "short distance between nose and lips".
gender - This is either "Male" or "Female".
Nothing to acknowledge as this is just a made up data.
It's painful to see bad results at the beginning. Don't begin with complicated datasets if you are a beginner. I'm sure that this dataset will encourage you to proceed further in the domain. Good luck.