Statistics on a Blockbreaker-like Game
The author is in the process of creating a blockbreaker-like game, in which the jumping-off point is the "Block Breaker" section of the Udemy course, Complete C Unity Developer 2D: Learn to Code Making Games
After making lots of levels, the author needed to sort them by difficulty. How does one measure the difficulty of a level? A first-cut solution is
to make an auto-play bot that is not perfect, and see how well the bot does on each level, using thousands of trials.
Here is a video of the game in auto-play action.
Date: date and time the game was auto-played
Level: the name of the level (the 3-digit number is an estimate of the difficulty from a previous run, no longer valid after tweaking)
NumBlocks: how many blocks have to be broken to win the level
IsWin: True if autoplay broke all the blocks, False if the ball fell past the paddle.
ElapsedTime: Seconds until either won or lost (game is played at 4x speed, so multiply by 4 to get an estimate of how long a human might play it)
Score: total score when the game was won or lost
Accuracy: the autoplay is tuned with a randomly-chosen accuracy. Higher numbers are more likely to win.